Saturday, April 11, 2009

Ticket lottery

Wow! It's been over a month since we've blogged, and lots has happened! St. Patty's Day, Crawfish Boil, multiple Backer visits, oh my!

But I am not here to talk about these things. Sorry. Maybe Katherine cold fill you in on those. No, I am here to talk about the nice little ND Football Ticket Lottery application I received in the mail today.

So the first thing in this packet is a letter from the AD. I will paraphrase it for you:

Dear Person who gave us money in return for the CHANCE to POSSIBLY buy football tickets,

Thank you for your interest, aka $50+ "donation," in our football team. We hope that we won't suck so bad this year.

A long time ago we decided to raise ticket prices every year, and this year it's supposed to be $3. We know the economy is bad, so we've considered this long and hard.

We know that no one has money, the economy sucks, and a $3 increase blows. Why should we raise prices when everyone is hurting monetarily? We think we probably should not go forward with this increase. That would be the nice thing to do. We probably don't need any more money for our athletic program.

BUT...since the $3 goes towards furthering the CATHOLIC mission of our CATHOLIC university to inspire people and emphasize how CATHOLIC we are, we've decided that we do, indeed, want your $3. I mean, it's only $3...that's practically NOTHING! C'mon guys, we've got to think of the CATHOLICS out there!

But just so you don't feel so bad, we have done some shady stuff with our athletic budget, allowing us to save money other ways. So don't be surprised when you see a jumbotron advertising Adidas and Coke and whoever else decides they want to give us more money. Remember, it's for the CHILDREN!

Go Irish!

(scribble scribble)
Not Kevin White

Yeah, that was cool. Anyway, along with this nice letter, there was also a pamphlet with rules about contacting student athletes. I just learned that I pretty much can't even talk to anyone who plays or may ever play any sport at the University of Notre Dame. Being an athletic supporter (which has a very open to interpretation definition) is kind of like being a registered sexual are on that list for life! And much like a Registered Sexual Offender, I better stay the HELL away from any hot, young, under 18 kids OR ELSE. Boy, that makes me feel special!

I bet I get shut out of the lottery again this year...BUT THE JOKE'S ON YOU ND!! I managed to go to EVERY HOME GAME last year! Heh.