hey! it's february now. this is going to be random, because i'm tired of those "this is what I did this week/month/day/however long since I last posted." I mean, it may have a little of that.
I should be studying for an exam tomorrow, but some people are just... never satisfied apparently. (SUSIE that means YOU) (And obviously I would talk about you in a parenthetical because you USE THEM TOO MUCH) (ha ha) (just kidding).
I like the 80s music channel on the TV. It reminds me of studying with my friends back at TC.
I also like Haribo Gummi Bears. Julie and I still talk about gettinga 5lb bag of them some day. That would be excessive, but delicious.
I think my favorite coke/soda/pop/soft drink/cola beverage is Diet Dr. Pepper. Sometimes I abbreviate it in my head "dDP" which reminds me of something from Biochemistry, so I never say it out loud.
I watched 2 movies yesterday while I was "studying," and one the night before. School of Rock on Tuesday, then Waitress (that was a sad movie - not really what I expected), and No Reservations. I actually liked No Reservations. It wasn't great, but sometimes you just want a stupid semi-entertaining romantic comedy. Is that really so bad?
I really want to see Coraline. Pretty much everyone I know here will be out of town tomorrow night. Maybe I'll go see it by myself.
So I still need to learn about the embryology of the renal system for my exam tomorrow. I felt like I did pretty well with the histology today.
I am going to Chicago on Saturday. Yes, I'm crazy, but the flight was really cheap and Bettina practically begged me to go. Don't judge me.
Oh man! I almost forgot. I made this mac n cheese with cauliflower today. It tasted VERY MUCH LIKE Noodles Romanoff from the Dining Hall at ND. It was really weird. It's good though. And.. semi-healthy I guess. It was nice to eat a homemade meal. I haven't cooked in a while since I've had tests sort of frequently for the past 2 weeks. After tomorrow, things will be pretty nice for a while.
I... have slacked off on my running a little this week. (training for a 5K, ambitious, I know. Heh) I'm hoping for a good one tomorrow after my test. Usually after a test I feel like running... Sooo hopefully I will. (and by training for a 5K, I just want to be able to run it comfortably. honestly, I could run one tomorrow... but I won't.)
In class the other day, the prof made some really nerdy joke involving Battlestar Galactica and the word "Frak." I haven't really ever seen that show, other than that one episode being on at Dave's apt. when Bethany and I were probably talking too loud for everyone else's liking.
In this one class I had today, this girl behind us was sleeping. And snoring. Really loud. It was very hard not to laugh at her. And like, her friend sitting next to her didn't even say anything to her. How rude.
Ok. Back to studying. You can blame the randomness on Susie. She wanted a post. So this is what she gets.
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This is acceptable to me. Good job.
Also, does that mean you'll do anything if someone begs you to? (Or just practically begs you?) Interesting...
i have a few things i might start begging you for... (creepy) [parentheticals are fun (and brackets are even funner)]. also, whats wrong with going to the movies by yourself?
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