Wednesday, March 4, 2009

My biggest fears

While I was in the shower just now, I decided to think about my greatest fears. I am such an optimist, right? (ahem...sarcasm) So for your reading enjoyment, I shall list them below:

  • I actually have a tumor growing inside me somewhere, and since I never go to the doctor, it won't be discovered until it's too late and I die a painful death.
  • One day I will be unable to resist the urge (yes, I actually do kind of have this urge) to touch the el train as it drives by me, and I will lose my balance and fall onto the tracks and get electrocuted. Or...someone pushes me onto the tracks while I am looking to see where there next train is, and I get electrocuted or hit.
  • I will be in a really high floor of a building when it is on fire or collapsing or something 911-esque, and unable to go down that many floors to safety.
  • I will marry a man who later turns out to be a pedophile, and all my friends and family see him on "To Catch a Predator" and I am super humiliated. Worse if we have kids and he abuses them.
  • I am actually really REALLY bad at graphic design, but no one has ever told me because they didn't want to hurt my feelings.
  • I am actually the smelly kid, and again, no one told me.
  • Some of my memories are, in fact, fabricated.
  • I find out a deep, dark secret about a member of my family that causes me to completely change the way I think about him/her.
  • I have done/said something really bad or really embarrassing while asleep.
  • I have a gas leak in my stove and it fills my tiny apartment with carbon monoxide while I am sleeping, I die, and people donn't realize for days.
  • People are just pretending to like me.
  • There are rodents living in my apartment/house. Seriously. This is super scary to me, and I have no idea what I would do because I couldn't even check the traps without freaking out.
  • Someone breaks into my apartment and rapes/assaults me. Or even just watches me sleep, because that would be creepy as hell.
  • I am actually living in an alternate reality and none of this is real (like the Matrix).
  • I am actually a man and I will have to come to terms with my new gender identity (and yes, I realize this one is pretty much impossible, but you never know, I could be a freak of nature).
  • I get really, really obese.
  • I fall from a really tall building. Worse if I just break my back but am still alive to feel the pain and live the rest of my life paralyzed.
That's really all I can think of right now. Hopefully none of these things actually happen, but if they do...well, that would suck I guess.