So I just set up my mutual fund. You know, went on the website and specified how much I would like to contribute per month. If I double my percentage that I am putting in (assuming that my salary is the same, which hopefully it will increase throughout my life) I can be a millionaire by the time I retire! Now, this actually makes me uncomfortable. At this point in my life, I do not feel ready to plan for the future. The main thought is, what if I don't live that long? Why save money that I won't even be able to use? Everything seems so uncertain at this point in my life, and with the economy the way it is...well, I don't know where I will be in five years, much less 40+ years from now.
In non-financial/me over-thinking things news, I bowled what was most likely my highest score ever. I went with Wazi, Allison and Erin. Allison was an experienced bowler, so she was giving Erin and I tips, which I think contributed to my performance...that, or the beer. I kid. Anyway, when I called my mom today and told her, she laughed at me. You must understand that my mom is pretty un-athletic and was very small when she was in her bowling league back in the day. You would think that a larger person, like myself, would have an easier time at throwing a heavy ball down a lane, but I guess this is not the case. Oh well. I will be happy with my score, even if she did make a crack about how I don't need to know how to score strikes because I never get them. Hit a little bit too close to home.
I had McDonalds for the first time in who knows how long. I generally avoid the place, except when faced with it in Italian train stations, or after drinking at a German beer garden. My "premium" chicken sandwich was actually kind of tasty. I mostly ordered it because 1. it was chicken and 2. you got Monopoly pieces. Not that I'll be going there enough to actually win anything, but I did get a coupon for Footlocker.
Last night when I got home I watched this movie called "Hard Candy" which starred Ellen Page (who played Juno.) I enjoyed it, but it was kind of disturbing/gross at times. Well, I guess they never show anything gross, but it is alluded to in the movie. Very suspenseful and artistic cinematography. Here is a link to the trailer if you are interested:
Ok, so Star Wars episode IV is on (the first one), and I just saw this horrible scene with a badly-rendered CGI version of Jabba the Hut. Gross. Who thought that would be a good scene to add to the movie? I liked large latex suit version of Jabba. Speaking of large latex suits, the Teenaged Mutant Ninja Turtles movies were on TV today, and the third one uses terrible turtle outfits. They look too cartoon-y and have random age-spot looking things on them.
And well, I think that's all I've got. Maybe Ponge will update sometime. We'll see. Want to watch something funny?
I thought it was funny, but maybe only because I have seen people re-enact this many a time at work (which resulted in a couple of broken brooms at the movie theater) or in the backyard, or in various other situations. Yeah, people I know are weird.
Last night I went to the young alumni pub crawl, which was pretty fun. My complaints, though, would be that the bars they chose were not super spacious, causing crowding and difficulties getting drinks. Oh, well, it's all good, I still had fun. I had a chat with some NDnation posters and realized that I'm pretty lame. I further realized I was even more lame when I mentioned to one of the posters that I was friends with band kids and engineers. I am a nerd, no question.
Speaking of nerdy, I am reading a book called "The Elegant Universe." It's about, well, the universe and all its mysteries. It basically talks about all sorts of deep physics things like the relativity theory and quantum mechanics and things that people with crazy hair or robot voices think about a lot.
I am watching Wayne's World 2...and Christopher Walken is in it. Can you imagine marrying Christopher Walken? That would be so weird. He is super creepy. That's pretty much all I wanted to say about that.
I went to the Hangge Uppe with a bunch of people last night. I would dare say it was one of the more fun times I've had there, and I'm not exactly sure why. Perhaps I was in the perfect mindframe for it. I actually spent a decent amount of time upstairs, with the rap music and such. Although I'm not a huge fan of that type of music, it was generally stuff I'd heard of, which was nice. I also noticed that the ceiling has interesting decorations, such as upside-down mannequin heads and a cartoon dinosaur.
Today has been a lazy Saturday, the first in a very long while. It's kind of nice not to have anything to do, but I think I would maybe like to do something later. I really need to clean up this place. It's sad how small my place is and how I still can't manage to keep it clean. Maybe I do need a roommate or someone to motivate me. I would like a roommate, but I do enjoy having my own bathroom. Hey, for anyone interested (and who actually reads this), my building has studio apartments open if you are looking for some place to live in the Chicago area. Just a thought!
Well, I guess I have successfully written about nothing. I'll end it with a song that I very much enjoy for many reasons, one of which is that it's SUPER CATCHY! I bet John McCain would like it, he seemed really excited about Mamma Mia when I saw him on a talk show a few months ago.
One thing that I was thinking about today as I walked through downtown Chicago (to Old Navy where I kind of went crazy, for me), was how this was the first weekend pretty much since I've lived here that no one spent the night (or that I did not spend the night elsewhere). As much as I like having the whole room to myself, it's kind of nice not to wake up all by yourself. It's nice to have someone else here to keep you company. I often wish I had someone here just to sit around and watch TV together. Anyway, I'm about two weeks behind, so I guess I will give the highlights.
Two weekends ago, Wazi and I drove to ND after work, after going the wrong way and taking the scenic route. When we finally got to SB, we had some BK (no, not THAT BK, who, consequently, was MIA all weekend.) Although Dave said there would probably be 2 people staying over, the actual number was closer to 10. There were a lot of air mattresses...
So Dave and I made an appearance at the Backer. I say appearance because we were there for maybe an hour because someone had to wake up early to do band things. I did briefly see Rachel and Christine, the other obsessive Backer people I know.
Tailgating was fun the next day. Wazi and I started out at the Carroll tailgate where I bought a ticket from some guy walking past with Karsten's emergency $50 bill (don't worry, I paid him back.) Afterwards, we were going somewhere, but ended up at Mader's family's tailgate. There were lots of trumpets, and I was deemed an honorary trumpet, or something of the sort. At some point, everyone left that I knew except Bryce and Ram, and we chatted with some dude who graduated in the 80s and was an OBGYN. The whole time I couldn't help but think how weird it would be to have that guy be my woman-parts-doctor. We realized we missed out on some of the glory days of ND, but of course, I'm sure all alumni like to wax nostalgic about times past and how much life must suck for current undergrads.
After this, we headed over to the Putt tailgate. The memorable moment was when (one again) I realized that everyone I knew had left. This Putt fellow told me I needed to hang out with more trumpets from the class of 1994. I suppose I will consider that advise in the future.
The game was pretty good, we won, and the post-game victory beer was well deserved (minus the 4th quarter). Back at Dave's that evening, I took my traditional post-game nap (oh, how I've missed those...) and woke to find a bunch of people had mysteriously vanished, while others had mysteriously arrived. Needless to say, I was in my usual post-nap daze. Later Matt M. and Cheron showed up, so it was nice to see them. Unfortunately, they wimped out on the backer.
I believe I had a pretty good time at the Backer. Some interesting stuff happened. I was entertained. I did not, however, appreciate the "Go Cubs Go" song right after the Cubs lost their series. What a cruel trick. Anyway, a nice little gang was there, including, but not limited to, Wazi, Allison, Karsten, Dave, Carrie, Ryan, and probably a lot of people I am forgetting. Before I move on, a word of advise. Don't have too many long islands/purple rains. ESPECIALLY if your dinner consisted of half a brat and a victory beer. Yup.
The next day most of the people rolled out to their respective locations, while me, Dave, Wasi, and John were the epitome of lazy. Picture this: Dave and John on the couches (occasionally joined by shredder), Wazi and I on an air mattress in the middle of the floor, all watching TV, and too lazy to get up for food. What is the logical thing to do? Call Jimmy Johns, because they deliver. Oh no! What happens when no one has the number? Well, the obvious answer would be to go look it up, but did we do this? No. Instead, Wazi called his sister (from the comfort of the air mattress) to get the number, and then we called and ordered our food. What a lazy Sunday. Eventually Wazi and I were on our way, but the Sox were playing, so we spent the next few hours at the Wasikowski house watching the game. I also got a nice tour and got to see pictures of a young Dan.
That week...well, like any other week. Our kickball team actually was pretty decent, and by decent I mean we were tied, and even winning! But alas, we lost, but at least it wasn't embarrassing.
Friday evening was full of craziness, in a way. Right after work I went to a bar to get drinks with some people from work. Gail came, but not after getting a bit lost (it was a little funny, because she must have walked right past us at some point). Eventually, Dolu got to Ogilvie, and Gail and I met up with him. We dropped Gail off at the L, and proceeded to go to the Regal Beagle (at Dolu'sinsistence). We had a nice conversation, some bad service, and free shots (because they felt bad about the poor service). Dolu decided to go home, and I went across the street to Starbucks, where I had a Pumpkin Spice Latte and read my nerdy physics book. About an hour later I got a call from Carol that went something like this:
Carol: We are going to Union Station to meet Cory Me: Oh, ok, cool. I just left Starbucks on Michigan. So where are you now? Carol: We are on a bus on Michigan. We might be close to you. Me: Nice, maybe I can meet up with you guys somewhere Carol: Are you at the Starbucks by PayLess? Me: Yes.... Carol: Oh, we are on the bus, we'll get off there Me: No, wait, I see you guys, I'm getting on the bus!
And I did. What was interesting about this was that we didn't plan to meet there. Their bus just happened to be driving past me at that very moment! The other strange thing that happened that night was that I SWEAR I saw one of the Backer bouncers outside of the Sears Tower. Carol also thought it was him, but she wouldn't let me go up and talk to him (probably for the best). Well, next time I go there, and he is checking IDs, I'm SOOOO asking. I am such a creeper.
The next day, I went to Victory Liquors to watch the game, after determining that everyone was gonna be there. Some highlights: -The game was good...until the end -Laura, Carol and I got a free fishbowl full of some Bacardi concoction. It was delish. -Wazi, Allison, and friends got one, too, and they made a giant 3 feet long straw. -I saw Sarah E. for the briefest of moments. -Mike C. and I met the Subway Alums, of internet video fame. They were pretty cool guys! -I texted way too much, as usual. -I saw various other people I don't see very often, which is nice and random -The music selection was Backer-esque.
After the game, I got to take a nap, which was nice. I think I needed it for what was to come...the apartment crawl! Basically, four of my coworkers hosted part of the night, and we walked from apartment to apartment. The drink selection was interesting in that they all had some strange significance to me. Carlo Rossi Sangria, beermonade, something mixed with Hawaiian Punch...the list goes on. The evening ended at Duffy's the usual hang out spot, which worked out well for me because it was on my way home! It was a pretty fun time, everyone had nice apartments, got to hang out with work people (which I don't do so much on weekends), and met some new people. I also BYOB to a bar, which I realize is bad, but I just happened to have a beer in my purse...heh.
Sunday I somehow woke up early enough to watch part of the marathon which passed pretty near to my apartment. Unfortunately, I didn't see anyone I knew, but I did see juggling guy, and the Boys Town cheerleaders, which are always a good time. Afterwards, I walked to Los TresPanchos, this little hole in the wall Mexican place on Diversey. I also got to Skype with my brother that morning, which was nice. (He is studying in Germany for the next year). It was an uber-lazy Sunday, as I napped for HOURS. I don't get to nap enough these days.
I was roused from my laziness by Laura, who called and invited me to see a movie with her. The movie theater was very close...and quite nice inside. We saw The Duchess, with KieraKnightley. I thought it was a good movie, but also very sad. It did make me glad that I live in a society where I will not be forced to stay in a loveless marriage with a cheating husband who threatens to not let me see my children again if I continue to meet with the love of my life who would later become the prime minister. Woops...SPOILERS!!
Now I am just chilling at home. I was gonna do my 2nd load of laundry in 2 days, but I guess I just got caught up with shopping/video Skypeing with my parents and ichatting with Ponge and a bunch of people who were in her house. I really should blog more often so my posts aren't as long. It's like I am blogging Titanic over here! Like Titanic, we can all guess how this will end...VIDEO!
Here's an oldie but goody. And I met someone this weekend who is just like the guy in this video. And he was POLISH! I found that funny.
I like October. Maybe it's because the weather is starting to get nicer (AKA not sweltering hot). Or maybe it's because the color associated with the month is orange, and I don't have to worry about not wearing black with orange for fear of looking like Halloween (because I CAN!). Or maybe it's because my birthday is this month (that's beginning to not really be that cool, you know?). Also, a whooole lot of my friends have birthdays this month as well.
Either way, I really like fall. Which essentially lasts through winter in Texas, since it's not too extreme.
So this weekend was kind of boring/relaxing. Friday... I didn't really do anything. Slept in, cleaned up some, went to a high school football game. It seems like a lot of schools use the ND Victory March for their fight song. Religiously-affiliated ones anyways. That's weird. When the band has like 20 people, it's kind of funny. My old high school lost, which wasn't too terribly cool. Whatever. My mom and brother came back to FTW with me, and we stopped by Wendy's on our way back. I requested a single burger with no mayo. When I got home, my burger had absolutely nothing on it. I was really pissed. Anyways, I tried to fix this problem, but unfortunately, I didn't have any regular mustard. I used dijon mustard, which was a terrible decision. It reminded me of a brat, which I really didn't want to mix with a fast food hamburger flavor. Anyways. After that travesty, we took my little brother shopping on Saturday morning to buy some nice shirts and ties. I found him a sweet BCBG tie for 10 dollars. Apparently, I'm good luck when shopping for men's clothing. Too bad its not fun for me at all. Ha. Anyways, Joe made it entertaining, 'cause he was dancing around in the clothes he was trying on in the dressing room.
Then we got to go to Gap and I was happy. No need to tell the story there. I bought too many things. The end. However, they're very "work-appropriate" things. So now all I need is the "work" part of that.
Missed the first quarter of the ND game on TV due to being at the mall. (Oops) Then I made some really good turkey chili during the first half. Say what you will about Rachel Ray (She's really annoying), but her recipes aren't bad at all. Luckily, I found this recipe online, and didn't have to watch her TV show for it. Whoo. And yeah, the recipe turned out well, and it was super easy. Let me know if you want the recipe.
After the ND game, we watched I Am Legend. That was a strange movie. It was interesting I guess. I can't decide if I liked it or not. I feel like it could have been better. It just kind of scratched the surface on like... the "interesting-plot" front. I think I-Robot was cooler. Hahaha. They both start with I. Interesting. It makes me laugh to compare Will Smith now to Will Smith as "The Fresh Prince." I'm really not obsessed with him. I swear. Anyways, so after the movie, my guests left, and it was a little depressing being here by myself after watching that movie. Haha.
Sonic Limeades are fantastic, by the way. I went running this afternoon and discovered how to run by the river and end up back at my apartment. Whoo. I mean, I knew the river was there, and I knew how to get there, I'd just never run there before, so now I know where I can go. And its much better scenery than my street. Not that my street is bad, but I don't really like running on needlessly-windy sidewalks. Then I decided to keep the "exploring" thing up, and I drove the other way down this road I hadn't been down before, and I discovered a Taco Cabana. Now, Oscar tells me that its gone downhill, but I probably won't notice because 1) I don't get beef tacos, I usually get chicken and 2) I don't go to TC (haha) regularly. For all you non-Texans, it's a fast food mexican place that is better than Taco Bell (and I even like Taco Bell, so there). So maybe I'll try that sometime. I have a long list of "to-try's" so who knows when that will happen.
So yeah, life's been fine. I should be studying more, but I have problems finding that motivation. Which is why I don't think I should be in school anymore. Oh well. I need to do well on my final. Taking two tests after getting back from ND the night before did not make for good grades. Ooops. Oh well. I know where my priorities are. Ha. Whether that's a good thing or not, I don't really care right now.
There's a piece of my computer that's broken. A little piece of plastic like, chipped off the part near the bottom right corner when the laptop is open. I should take it by an apple store, but I can't afford to be away from my computer right now, and it's just cosmetic, but it does need to be fixed. Sigh. I need my computer to keep me awake during class!
Maybe I'll wait till my next ND trip... Which reminds me I need to rent a car.
I'm going to leave you with some Hank Hill quotes. I don't care if you hate King of the Hill, these are so funny:
"If you'd like to learn more about sexual education, don't! Nobody likes a know-it-all who sits around talking about their genitalia. Now, I think you might like this next show, The X-Files. I always thought it was some kind of porno, on account of the title, but turns out it's all about two young people who don't have sex. Now, that's entertainment!"
(obviously, I had to put that one in there)
"If Bobby doesn't love football, he won't lead a fulfilling life, and then he'll die."
"You can't just pick and choose which laws to follow. Sure I'd like to tape a baseball game without the express written consent of major league baseball, but that's just not the way it works." (That one's for Nick Schott)