Monday, July 20, 2009


So I haven't blogged since May. Long time.

Things have been really exciting around here... heh.

I've been working in a pharmacology lab at my previous school of higher education. It's been pretty fun actually -- the best summer job I've ever had. A lot of that has to do with the fact I don't have to be there until 9:30, so I can sleep in past 8am sometimes. Woo!

So the most current problem in my life (besides having to pack up my apartment) has been the fact that my iPod quit working correctly about 2 weeks ago. This is a major problem for me, as my CD changer is in the trunk of my car, and I quite frequently travel distances in excess of 2 hours. I like driving, but a lot of that is based on the fact that I get to just listen to music and not worry about anything. SO, you can imagine my distress when I had to shuffle through the same 5 CDs for.... like 15 or 20 hours in the car. It got a little annoying. I like Green Day, but they really just sound whiney when you listen to them non-stop.

So I set up an appointment at the Apple Store here in Fort Worth. Since apparently you have to schedule time a DAY in advance, then wait 45 minutes for them to tell you "This is way out of warranty, and I can't see what's wrong by shining a light into the headphone jack. What's that? It doesn't work through the headphones jack or the other one (I don't know the name of it... the one that you plug into the computer or charger)? That's really strange. Try restoring it."

Yeah dude, I know its really weird, that's why I came here to ask about it before I buy a new one because I'm dependent on your products that are probably a ripoff but you know, whatever.

Also, the guy kind of looked like this chemical engineering TA that I had... long scraggly blonde hair, with some facial hair going on. Heh.

So I leave the Apple Store slightly annoyed, because I could have spent that time at home packing, or at least acting like I was packing. I get home, and decide to look up my problem online to see if there's any other solution other than spending over $200 on an iPod comparable to my current one. So I find my problem on some unofficial and official apple forums... No sound through headphones or dock. Apparently if you press on the corner of the iPod, the sound should come on if its the same common issue... So I do that, and I lo and behold I hear SOUND!

This doesn't really mean a whole lot, because at the time, the posts I read on the website were from like, 2006 or 2007. So then I keep reading, and find out that people had called Apple Support, and if they spoke to a supervisor or something, they'd call this a "manufacturing defect" and even if it was out of warranty, they'd replace it with a refurbished or new iPod.

So I call, talk to someone. And I'll be getting a new iPod. Which is really exciting, especially since I do NOT have the money to buy a new one.

So that's the most exciting thing that's happened to me in the past couple days. And now I hopefully won't have to ride in the car for 2 very long road trips without my iPod. Well, at least one of them. I guess it won't be here before this weekend...

I get to go to the beach this weekend! I'm excited about it, despite not really liking the actual BEACH. I mean, I like listening to the waves and stuff, but sand? It's just annoying. And it gets in EVERYTHING. But I'm going to see my cousins and aunts and uncles and grandma, which will be interesting, if not fun. heh.

And now I must get back to packing. Hmmm what is this "Monetize" tab here in blogger...?

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