Monday, September 15, 2008

Lazy Monday

So Julie has yet to tell you about the events of last Saturday.

I'll see what I can remember from then. I'm currently on codeine cough syrup, antibiotics, a decongestant, antihistamines, and advil. Wooooooo.

Yeah I went to the doctor this morning, after not being able to sleep all night due to me taking a zyrtec d at 2am. I know it makes me not be able to sleep, but my head was pounding and I had to take something.

We'll come back to that later.

So Saturday.... hmm. Oh we were woken up by people running around outside at an insanely early hour. That wasn't fun, but the day was really nice and we got up at a reasonable time and went out tailgating. We started off at Dave's friend's tailgate I think. Oh no. Actually we met Caitlin at Dan's family's tailgate. Then we went to Dave's. Then we left there so we could get some food at my family friend's tailgate and see them and stuff. I don't remember anything that exciting... Dave wore a silly outfit. That's pretty standard though.

Oh. Then we got a call telling us to go to the Frankenstein tailgate. We walked over to the legends lot and we were like.. "What do you think they mean my Franken... Oh," as we saw the giant inflatable Frankenstein above a truck. We were invited to dance in the truck bed, which we did for a little bit. I'm surprised, being from Texas, that I had never done that before.

From there we went to the game, where Julie, Susie, Bethany and I all got to sit together! We were across the stadium in the other corner from the student section and we gt to meet Dan's brother! That was funny. And Bethany received yet another marriage proposal.

By the way, True Blood is a really weird show.

Soo we won the game. Wasn't really that eventful. Went to a tailgate afterwards to get some dinner. Then we went back to Farley. Bethany and I went to Pete's house to say hi. We took "Stranger Danger" and Phil with us.

People decided to go to the Backer early that night due to the problems we had the night before. So I think we got in line around 11:30, and Ryan and Carrie were there already, so we met up there with them. This was the last week of the NORMAL LINE! You will hear about the new one in the next entry, I'm sure. The Backer was good. We all got to get Purple Rains this time. Susie loved it. And she got some SoCo. So she was happy. She got really excited and told me at some point (must have been about 1am) "We still have 2 hours left!" I think Bethany even said "I think this is the most fun I've ever had at the Backer." Maybe she should leave a comment as to why this was the case...?

I forgot about that until just now. Cool. So I don't really know why it was so fun, you probably wouldn't understand unless you were there. I met some new people that weekend. New to me anyway. Wazi (that's how he told me to spell it in my phone), Dave's friend Ken who wanted to cut with us in line even though he really didn't know us very well. And then the other RA from my floor freshman year in Farley who works with Julie. I mean, I'd met her before obviously but whatever.

Wow. My nose just cleared up a little bit. I can breathe. Sigh. Maybe its this chicken soup I just heated up. Mmm mmm good.

So we walked back to Fischer Grad from there, making a pit stop or two along the way. Haha. Nick stayed at Dave's. Apparently some hilarity ensued involving Nick, which we missed thankfully, but it was pretty funny to hear about the next weekend.

Phil dropped us off at library circle, I believe and we walked back to Farley. Except, maybe we walked back from FOG to Farley. Whatever. I'm sleepy now. So Saturday night came and went. We slept, we showered, we went to mass, we traveled back to our respective homes, we saw Rory, ate at chipotle, met up with spiderman, drove to chicago (Not necessarily in that order.)

And that was that.

I don't have enough energy to discuss this weekend yet. I need to rest up for my next trip back up there which is wednesday evening. I really hope I'm not sick then, which is why I called the doctor as soon as they opened this morning and got up there to get medicine. I'm really glad that this was a classical sinus infection presentation, because if I were at ND, they would have just been like, "i'm not giving you antibiotics, blah blah blah" and I would still be sick weeks later.

So I think I'm going to take a nap, since I didn't sleep last night.

1 comment:

Susie said...

I think you guys need to hire someone to update this blog for you, since you're obviously incapable of doing it yourselves. I mean, it's a good thing I asked Katherine about the new Backer line, because otherwise I would have been sitting here on pins and needles for almost two weeks now, waiting for Julie to tell me!