Monday, August 18, 2008

A few thoughts

I don't feel like writing a whole post. That's right. You will not be getting a run-down of everything I've done for the last three weekends. Lucky you? I think I'll just put some random thoughts:
  • Why haven't I seen a picture of Michael Phelps wearing all eight of his gold medals? At once? Seriously, that would be the first thing I would do. I would probably even pose naked for some magazine with my medals covering certain areas. Of course, if I could win that many medals, I would probably have a super hot body...unless I was a weight lifter or something.
  • Every time I smell stale homeless person urine, I think of Rome. In a good way...I think?
  • I discovered that I enjoy moshing. This revelation came after my day at Lollapalooza and the Flogging Molly concert there. I now understand Fight Club a little more. After that, I ended up near the front of the absurdly large crowd for Girl Talk. I was all kinds of sweaty. WHO KNOWS what kind of skin diseases I could have picked up. The best part was when GT left the stage on a raft, crowdsurfing, with the last part of Journey's Faithfully playing. Bad. Ass.
  • I went to Kentucky last week. I got to play trivia with Phil and my dad. We did ok. It was mostly for the older generation, I think. I also saw Sandra Bullock in the Louisville airport. one else seemed to care.
  • I think it's weird when mothers and fathers refer to me to their little kids as "that lady" or something like that. Like, "move over, let this lady through." Since when did I become a lady?
  • Me, Rory, and Carol watched a movie called "Boy Eats Girl." No, it was not a porn movie, though that probably would have facilitated a threesome. Ha. No, it was a zombie movie. An Irish zombie movie. My only regret is falling asleep during it. That was such a me thing to do. Rory thought the movie was good though, but I assume good in a horrible horror movie kind of way.
  • I need to stop giving out my number. I am weak. I also almost got myself a stalker. Eek. Good thing I never answer my phone...
  • Today I thought about what it would be like if I moved back to Kentucky. It was kind of a romantic thought, like one would have about moving to a quaint rural village. When did this happen to me? I mean, I leave South Bend, move to Chicago for two months, and suddenly I'm one of those city folk? Never!
  • I'm a bit upset that all of my friends who were here for the summer have gone back home/to school. I kind of wish I could go back to school. Of course, homework is pretty lame. If I could just work instead of going to classes, but still be a "college student" that would be great. I'm not sure how that would work out, though...
  • I made my first adult purchase the other day. A bag of prunes. I'm just that much closer to retirement.
Well guys, I'll leave you with this music video for a guy who was mentioned in a book I just finished reading. That's right, I've been spending my paychecks on books.


Oscar said...

Phelps has taken that picture. Sports Illustrated. And I'm with you on the working/college student thing.

Susie said...

Sandra Bullock? That's sweet! Also...oh I forgot what else I was going to comment on. Sigh. It is weird that everyone else will start school next week...and we won't. What's up with that?