Tuesday, August 19, 2008

One quick thing...

So there is a church down the street from my apartment that I pass on the was to the L. It looks like a normal church, but sometimes strange things are afoot there. For example, once or twice I've seen long lines in front of it, but at weird times, like 6pm on a weekday. But that is not the strangest part. They have workout classes there. No, not in the gym or some room off of the church, but actually IN the place where people would worship. I have seen it, heard the upbeat music and the person telling everyone to "keep it up!" Ok, so this would lead one to believe that this church is no longer actually a church, but rather a community center type place. But here comes the strange part...they actually have church services there. It just seem so weird to me! What's next, does it turn into a dance club at night? I wouldn't be surprised.


Katherine said...

Maybe you should join this church, Julie. Sounds like fun.

Just make sure its not a cult.

Susie said...

You got something against cults, Katherine?