Thursday, May 15, 2008

Senior Week

Well, I keep meaning to provide updates on all the crazy senior week activities before I forget, but this may be difficult. So I just wanted to post a couple things, a snapshot, if you will.

Saturday: Woke up, hung out with the may guests that spent the night in apt. 7 and 8. Katherine looked naked under he blanket. Nick woke up alone. Katherine gave birth to Bethany. Phil left. Then we went shopping for dresses, went to mass, and later went to the Backer. Most memorable part? Oscar almost getting in a fight with some huge tools.

Sunday: Cubs game. We went to Bar Louie before the game for a drink and a bit of food. We being me and Katherine. Susie and Caitlin met us there. Nick Schott, Andrea, Spiderman and various other band kids were there as well. It was raining, but the rain stopped for the game. They gave everyone with a uterus a free pink hat. It was really cold. Katherine wasn't allowed to buy a drink because of her underage ID. I almost bought an overpriced sweatshirt because I was cold, but thought better of it. Katherine, Nick and I left after the 7th inning stretch to pick up Spiderman from McDonalds, where he had ended up after a day of drinking with some trumpet alumni. Regular Spiderman is funny, but drunk spiderman is unreal. He was the highlight of the day. We then headed over to Cubby Bar where I saw my other friend Katherine. People kept asking us if we smoked, because I think they were doing a survey or something. We watched the remainder of the game on the 50 flat screens they had scattered about (ok, 50 was an exaggeration). Afterwards, we went to taco bell, then took one of the last buses home. Spiderman and Nick proceeded to do their own personal post rally, which was weird but also funny, especially considering the fact that we were on the drunk kids bus where no one seemed to mind much. Here are Nick's amazing lyrics to the tune of Africa:
Its gonna take a lot to drag me away from you
Theres nothing that a hundred seats or more could ever do
I bless the rains down in Chicago
Gonna take some time to do the things we never had...
Later that evening we went to Andrea's surprise party, where we waited in the dark for awhile (which was actually kind of funny.) Then they had cake and whatnot, and later someone brought a blacklight and a dance party ensued.

Monday: Um...don't quite remember much of the day (other than eating at Perkins with Bethany), but in the evening we went over to Bethany and Katherine's classmate's house where he had a bonfire. It was nice to go to one, I hadn't been in such a long time! And smores are delish! We also went to the Backer to see the end of the band bar crawl. We determined that I was the coolest person there because A) I was not in the band B) I was not an RA and C) I was not an engineer. Cool points for me! I even worked hard to bust up the cupid shuffle. We saw John there, who had opened a tab. I wonder how much he regretted this decision (after seeing the bill...) The night got a little fuzzy. But there are also photos for that.

Tuesday: I woke up and got ready for Cedar Point in about 15 mins or something crazy. And I forgot my ticket, but they let me go anyway because my name was on the list. Sooo...I was pretty mad that I fell asleep during the end of 10 Things I Hate About You on the bus. Then they played Anchorman....again. Seriously, no movie variety on the senior week buses? Cedar Point was pretty fun. My favorite ride was Millennium Force. I only rode 3 rides...but I did get to lie in the sun for awhile, which was very refreshing. The lines were pretty long because it was high school physics day.

Wednesday: I spent the day running around, making a power hour in GarageBand, went to the Gug tour where I took too many pictures of peoples' personal items, and then had the power hour itself. I was proud of myself for that mix. Later we went to the Senior Ball. It was nice to see so many people I knew, all dressed up. Can I just use this opportunity to say that See You Again is sooo catchy? Anyway, after the ball, we went to the backer. There were six people who went. And we were the only non-townies. On the plus side, I didn't care, and DJ Drew played all our songs AND read my mind. We decided that an after party was necessary. Boy Katherine, who you have read about below, came over and realized how much he had in common with Spiderman. Caitlin was quite giggly. We watched my DVD, listened to 80s music, and ate Brats. And no one spilled popcorn!

I guess this ended up being pretty long. Woops. I will talk about today tomorrow, after today happens.

Special Guest Posting (images now work correctly)

Hello blog. This is Katherine's brother Phil, or as I was so affectionately dubbed by the people who I assume read this, "boy Katherine". I've been left unattended in my sister's apartment for about an hour now, and decided to blog because
A. I told my sister she sucked at it about a week ago
B. it was already logged in
C. I realized I'd been watching Home Improvement for like two hours and that's kind of lame. 

while i could go and talk about my day or recent events, the fact that this blog's target demographic is not familiar with me and what i do, there would be no context for the events. So as background information, I've been in California for the better part of a year, i was working in the deli at Albertsons, going to school and taking an art class. So, for the recent events and such going on, or "traditional blog material". this week has been slightly busy, or more so than usual, anyway. Sunday was my last day working. Me and Chris, who was some guy i worked with, were sitting by the sandwich making area, discussing the ethics involved with making personal lunch sandwiches for people. When you ask for mayonnaise and mustard on the same sandwich, you're compromising the integrity of both condiments for anyone else who orders them. Because we're lazy and not going to wash off the spatula after doing that. Now no one has ever complained, been like "Hey, dildo! you got mustard in my mayo!" but that was always a concern i had. Chris and i were discussing this in such a manner 
"oh dude, you're lazy too?" "yeah, man, fuck that mayonnaise. i'm puttin mustard in it."
one thing led to another, and we came up with a great invention idea.
drumroll mustayo!

that's a concept image, the actual product will have mayonase and mustard in the same setting though. 

we'll make millions. millions. 

anyway, monday i packed everything i own up because expedia said i could only bring one checked bag and one carry on bag on to the plane, so i had to mail all my stuff home, cost me 160 dollars, pretty gay. Then i sat around watching hbo on demand for a couple of hours. It's a world of excitement you people are getting a glimpse into today, i'm telling you. No idea what kind of crazy stuff goes on here. Tuesday I took this girl i worked with on a date to this italian restaurant mama d's. I planned it out all romantically and such, because i'm probably never going to see her again so i should go out with a bang, so to speak. anyway, i had been kind of seeing her for about a month and about two weeks in to that process, this other, more homosexual girl that i know starts talking to her, and by the third date she's basically gay and i'm wasting my time, but wasting time is something i excel at. When i started writing that it seemed more interesting than it looks now. Wednesday i set off to John Wayne Airport, which is a non smoking facility. This is bullshit. this is why

what is that in his right hand there? between the index and middle finger?

you fucking know it.

so anyway, got to sit next to a baby for four hours. she had a hot enough mom, and you know she puts out, however my application for acceptance in to the mile high club is still in processing somewhere, and therefore the baby was just annoying.  Two hour layover in cincinatti. One interesting fact about cincinatti, there's one in kentucky. i was not aware of this. that's actually where i was. 

Let me tell you about kentucky. It's residents (on whom i am now an expert from interacting with the ones working at the chick fil a at the airport) talk funny. There was not a kentucky fried chicken in the airport. i would have been disappointed if i knew i was in kentucky, not ohio. Actually, kentucky's residents are basically exactly how you probably think they are in your head. There was a smoking room in that airport though. It's weird to me that an airport named after someone who smoked is non smoking and an airport named after the city that it's in and the fact that it's an airport is smoking accessible. After my visit to Kentucky, i embarked on my 30 minute flight to south bend regional airport, got there, picked up my bags, no problems or memorable occurrences, Left the airport to be bombarded with "NEED CAB?" which i did, but they just seemed way too eager about it. Now, let me tell you about my cabdriver. He came here from Rwanda, talks like Borat, and is not very good at driving. He did not know where we were going, either. At one point he asked me to get out and get directions. Now, I'm not a cab driver, i don't ride in cabs regularly, and i don't claim to be some kind of a cab expert, but one, i think you're supposed to turn off the meter when you're driving in circles because you're lost, two, you're not supposed to get lost anyway, and three, if you do have to get directions, don't make your passenger get out and do it. I'm not driving. that's absolutely absurd.

I'm not going to get in a cab with a specific destination in the future, only if I'm on some kind of vengeance mission or something, where i would mainly just say "anaheim and 5th street!" hand him a wad of money and tell him to step on it, or something like "follow that car!"

actually i want to get in a cab saying that just to see if he would actually do it. but i don't have enough money to spend it doing things of that nature

Anyway, i got here and that's about the end of it. Well folks, i hope you enjoyed this window into my personal life. Hope by reading this you don't just feel like you're occupying your time but perhaps i may have enlightened or encouraged you in some way to better your own life. If i somehow did that with what i just said, i have the investment opportunity of a lifetime for you. contact Katherine for my information if needed.

Anyway, Boy Katherine, signing off.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Eleven Hours

... between the time I got to the 'backer, and the time I went to sleep.

I suppose I'll rehash some of the things Julie has talked about... Chances are, if you're reading this, you've probably already experienced these events with us anyway, so what's one more re-telling of them? I'll try to throw in some original material though.

Soooo I'm done with school. That's kind of weird. Really weird. Well, I guess I'm technically going to grad school, then hopefully med school... which reminds me, I get to work on those applications again. YES! . HTML joke. I am AWESOME. Anyways, I'll hopefully start on those this week.

My senior design presentation went surprisingly well. I felt like I looked like a slacker during it because I spoke for all of like, 2 minutes of the 25 minute presentation, so I tried to compensate by answering questions. I felt that we were pretty strong on the Q&A side, and we ended up getting a good grade. I mean, I wasn't expecting a bad grade, but I wasn't expecting one as high as what we got. So good job team! The report was due the following Friday, and I ended up staying up until 7am working on formatting the thing. That was not fun. I guess I just didn't realize how much work it would be. I went to Legends to turn in the report, had a drink with my fellow chegs (frozen long island... mmm) and the prof, then went home. I'm sure we had an awesome weekend. Oh right. It was study days.. Hmmm. I'm sure we were at the backer. Whatever. Oh that was the weekend Julie's friend came. And the after party at Merten's house. I think Julie's covered those.

So last night was really fun. I was surprised by how much fun the backer was in the early evening. It was nice to be able to sit down and play drinking games and observe the transformation from "restaurant and bar" to "bar" I suppose. After midnight, when the students started getting there, it got really really packed. It was like, football weekend packed. Very hard to move, took a long time to get drinks, really hot, etc. I don't even know who I was talking to there were so many people around me. Caitlin came! Which was awesome. I hope she had fun.. It seemed like she did. haha.

The 'backer after party last night was pretty intense. A lot of people came back with us. And it got pretty sentimental. We had to say goodbye to Dave and Phil, since this was pretty much the last time we were going to see them. That was surprisingly sad. It's like, I knew it was coming, but you just don't know until it happens I guess. Bethany was really sad, and it was making me sad. I don't know why I was so surprised by this. Probably because she's usually not that emotional. But she said some very nice things. Not that that's a bad thing, I'm just saying. I didn't cry, but I don't usually cry about serious things. I didn't cry at my high school graduation, which was good, seeing as I had to give a speech. And all my friends were crying as I was talking. That was pretty intense (but also kind of funny. I made the guys cry with a video I made. That made it worth it.. haha). Anyways, just so people know, just because I don't cry, doesn't mean I'm not just as sad as you.

I still don't think the fact that I'm leaving has hit me yet. I'm like.. I just don't know what to think. It's a lot harder to think about because it's not like we'll all see each other when we "go back home" 'cause we're not all from the same places. I mean, these are friendships I'm willing to put some effort into, and I'm sure we'll make plans to meet up a couple times a year at least. I've been pretty good about keeping in touch with people from high school, so I have faith. It's just going to be so strange not seeing these people everyday, and it just doesn't seem fair that it has to happen so quickly. And things could have been so different too. I'm glad I decided to venture out of my dorm to find friends, not that those people aren't cool, but I never would have met Julie and Caitlin, and Susie. I would have met Bethany though, cause we're in the same major. Ha. But you know, I probably would have just thought "oh she's that nerdy girl who actually pays attention and takes notes in class instead of doing the crossword puzzle."

SO to change the subject slightly, my brother is coming in on Wednesday. I'm kind of excited, because we don't get to spend a lot of time together, especially not sans the rest of the family, so this will be fun. There is one minor problem though: his flight gets in at 10 and there's something I want to go to that I have to be at by 10:30. I'll see what I can do. Only a week of fun stands in my way to being a college graduate, so I'm sure I can think of something.

So just as Dave finally washed his completely disgusting pants, I finally cleaned my room yesterday, so I can actually work at my desk. This may have been more beneficial when I actually had work to do. But hey, now I can sit here and blog, so it's still cool. And today we went to the mall. After waking up at 1. Awesome. Initially, I was supposed just sort of be the chauffer (I don't know how to spell that). But then I bought a dress that's the same color as my glasses (awesome), and some yellow pants (everyone needs a pair of yellow pants), and a few t-shirts, including a Star Wars one. And then I got my woot shirt in the mail today. It's so cute! It was awesome. I hadn't been shopping in forever. I forgot how much I love it. And now the Gap has good stuff. So that was good. And then I got some dresses from my mom in the mail, so I tried those on again. It was a good time. I gave Bethany, Susie, and Caitlin a little mini-fashion show.

Oh and I got a gap card. Uh ohhh. I feel like I've been putting that off for a long time, and it does make sense for me to get one, since I shop at Gap a lot. I should get some good coupons out of the deal, I think. Anyways, I've been writing for too long, so I'll end this now.

And I think I made 2 new facebook friends yesterday.

It was a loooonnngggg day...

So yesterday was fairly eventful. After waiting in line to sign up for senior week events and getting some checks cashed, Caitlin, Bethany, Susie and I ate our last NDH meal ever. Well, at least I think it will be my last time. I rarely eat there. I spent most of my time there working, and I am not sad to leave those memories behind...or the smells.

After an insanely long nap (as always with me), Katherine and I went to the Backer to eat with Christine and Rachel, who had been there since 3pm (they were doing 12 hours of the backer). We had cheeseburgers that were quite good, and Blue Moons. Dave stopped by for a burger, and after he left, Christine and Bonnie came back from playing pool with some townie, I guess they weren't technically townies, but the were a bit older than them. One of the guys bought a round of drinks for the table, which was very exciting!

We decided to play some drinking games to pass the time. First was kings. I think the most entertaining part was questions. Christine was always saying something inappropriate. Ha, later in the night some older woman told Christine that her husband has a crush on her. I digress. We then proceeded to play this school bus game, after which I ran home to change my shirt and use the restroom. I also talked to Bethany, Caitlin, Phil, and Susie who were watching the hockey game on TV.

I got back to the Backer (that sounds like it could be a movie...) and realized that I had forgotten to pay for my food, so I did that right away. After another rousing drinking game, (and after DJ Drew showed up), we decided that the time was right for dancing. Previously, the only people dancing were 65 year old women. I had requested "Paradise by the Dashboard Light" because I thought the older crowd would appreciate it. It was fun, we danced and sang and some older guys joined in. Pretty soon after, the tables were moved out of the way and more people entered the dance floor. Oh, on a side note, my favorite song transition of the night was I Wear My Sunglasses at Night/See You Again. Brilliant, DJ Drew, simply brilliant. After doing the Cupid Shuffle (and complaining about how lame of a dance it was), I tried to teach those around me how to do the tipsy dance. Rachel was about the only one who got really into it.

From there, more people started to show up. Fernando made an appearance, then we saw Tim Beaubien who just happened to have an extra drink. We met this guy names Lazo who was going to a wedding in the morning. He danced with me, then tried to convince Katherine and I to crash the wedding the next morning. He even introduced us to the groom, who apparently knew Beaubien, which I thought was a rather strange connection.

More and more people started showing up, including the kids who had been watching hockey. Later, all the old Carroll guys showed up. I realized just recently that these guys are really weird. I mean really weird. They all show up wearing matching Carroll shirts, kind of like when moms dress their kids alike when they go to Disney world so they can keep track of them. The backer was also REALLY crowded, almost to the point of it not being fun. I mostly stayed near a table and talked to this one guy. He knows Chauncey! Small world. 3am came way too soon, so we invited people over for yet another after party.

I don't know what it is with us and after parties. Maybe we just want to be nocturnal. Either way, there were a good number of people here. This is where the night gets sad...we ended up having a darkened-room sob fest, where we were all talking about how sad it is that we are graduating. Eventually, Carrie came in to console Bethany, while Nick, Katherine, Susie and I tried to spoon, first on Bethany's twin bed, then on Katherine's larger bed. Nick was disappointed when he woke up in the huge bed alone. Heh.

The next afternoon (which is when we woke up), the people who stayed all talked about the evening's events. Katherine looked naked under her blanket, and looked like she gave birth to Bethany. Susie complained about Nick's snoring. Fernando told us the origins of his second last name, etc. etc. All-in-all, I think it was a pretty memorable experience.

Friday, May 9, 2008

My worst post ever

Things you may have missed:
Napoleon Dan-o-myte, my friend from home, coming to visit South Bend.
Backer, backer after-parties, backer after-parties with on-demand karaoke.
Derby party...with home made Derby pie and mint juleps (of which I did not partake.)
More Backer? Yeah, sounds about right. Nick Schott has an awesome picture of half the people in the bar. It was awesome, except the guy whose arm is partially obscuring my face.
Last week of school. No one really wants to remember all that work and stuff.
A few of us went to Rum Runners on Wed. Not really the most exciting crowd, but it was decently fun. Oh! There was also Seis de Mayo lunch at Don Pablos, although since it was voting day here in Indiana, there were no margaritas.

I finished most everything on Wednesday, but I still have some loose ends to finish up (I wasn't there when kinkos printed something, and of course they screwed it up. I almost had a mental breakdown, but that happens often enough for me, so whatevs). Thursday night, which was last night, we had a bunch of people over for pizza. It was pretty yummy. Lost was pretty good last night. It was good to see people, but sometimes I get overwhelmed with socializing. I think that is why I like dancing so don't necessarily have to carry on a conversation.

Anyway. I am being lame, as always. I hope senior week doesn't suck.