Saturday, May 10, 2008

It was a loooonnngggg day...

So yesterday was fairly eventful. After waiting in line to sign up for senior week events and getting some checks cashed, Caitlin, Bethany, Susie and I ate our last NDH meal ever. Well, at least I think it will be my last time. I rarely eat there. I spent most of my time there working, and I am not sad to leave those memories behind...or the smells.

After an insanely long nap (as always with me), Katherine and I went to the Backer to eat with Christine and Rachel, who had been there since 3pm (they were doing 12 hours of the backer). We had cheeseburgers that were quite good, and Blue Moons. Dave stopped by for a burger, and after he left, Christine and Bonnie came back from playing pool with some townie, I guess they weren't technically townies, but the were a bit older than them. One of the guys bought a round of drinks for the table, which was very exciting!

We decided to play some drinking games to pass the time. First was kings. I think the most entertaining part was questions. Christine was always saying something inappropriate. Ha, later in the night some older woman told Christine that her husband has a crush on her. I digress. We then proceeded to play this school bus game, after which I ran home to change my shirt and use the restroom. I also talked to Bethany, Caitlin, Phil, and Susie who were watching the hockey game on TV.

I got back to the Backer (that sounds like it could be a movie...) and realized that I had forgotten to pay for my food, so I did that right away. After another rousing drinking game, (and after DJ Drew showed up), we decided that the time was right for dancing. Previously, the only people dancing were 65 year old women. I had requested "Paradise by the Dashboard Light" because I thought the older crowd would appreciate it. It was fun, we danced and sang and some older guys joined in. Pretty soon after, the tables were moved out of the way and more people entered the dance floor. Oh, on a side note, my favorite song transition of the night was I Wear My Sunglasses at Night/See You Again. Brilliant, DJ Drew, simply brilliant. After doing the Cupid Shuffle (and complaining about how lame of a dance it was), I tried to teach those around me how to do the tipsy dance. Rachel was about the only one who got really into it.

From there, more people started to show up. Fernando made an appearance, then we saw Tim Beaubien who just happened to have an extra drink. We met this guy names Lazo who was going to a wedding in the morning. He danced with me, then tried to convince Katherine and I to crash the wedding the next morning. He even introduced us to the groom, who apparently knew Beaubien, which I thought was a rather strange connection.

More and more people started showing up, including the kids who had been watching hockey. Later, all the old Carroll guys showed up. I realized just recently that these guys are really weird. I mean really weird. They all show up wearing matching Carroll shirts, kind of like when moms dress their kids alike when they go to Disney world so they can keep track of them. The backer was also REALLY crowded, almost to the point of it not being fun. I mostly stayed near a table and talked to this one guy. He knows Chauncey! Small world. 3am came way too soon, so we invited people over for yet another after party.

I don't know what it is with us and after parties. Maybe we just want to be nocturnal. Either way, there were a good number of people here. This is where the night gets sad...we ended up having a darkened-room sob fest, where we were all talking about how sad it is that we are graduating. Eventually, Carrie came in to console Bethany, while Nick, Katherine, Susie and I tried to spoon, first on Bethany's twin bed, then on Katherine's larger bed. Nick was disappointed when he woke up in the huge bed alone. Heh.

The next afternoon (which is when we woke up), the people who stayed all talked about the evening's events. Katherine looked naked under her blanket, and looked like she gave birth to Bethany. Susie complained about Nick's snoring. Fernando told us the origins of his second last name, etc. etc. All-in-all, I think it was a pretty memorable experience.

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