Actually, I'd started a few posts, but never had time to finish them. The rest of Senior Week was pretty much as described. Yes, Julie, we DID go to The Backer on Friday night. I think that was the night that Christine and Rachel were sad to leave. So I had a good number of people come in for graduation: My parents, my two brothers, my grandparents and uncles & 2 cousins from my mom's side. They drove a mini-bus here. How weird is that? Haha.
We had our Cheg Graduation on Sunday morning before the real one. It was actually really nice. A lot more informal than the main one, and they called our names and stuff. A kid from our class spoke, and did a really nice job. I was really tired/hot during the actual graduation. The speakers weren't bad, but not the most exciting I'd ever listened to.
I stayed around ND on Monday. We had a little get-together Monday night, which was kind of random and fun. I left ND on Tuesday, and I swear every song I heard in my car was about loss or leaving or something. It was kind of funny actually... and sad too. I got home the next day, went to my friend Katie's house, where I hung out with some of my friends. Thursday I had to do some running around to get things together for my orientation which was FRIDAY! I ended up driving to Fort Worth the morning of, so I had to leave my house at like 5:30. My mom dropped me off, and went to look at apartments.
Orientation was a lot of people talking at us. It was insanely weird to be called a grad student. I met a few people during orientation, but when I'm trying to take in all this information, it's hard to remember things that people tell you. Haha
After orientation, we got some Mexican food (of which there is like, 1-2 restaurants per block. I'd forgotten this about Texas), and went to my friend's almost vacant house to sleep. Saturday we looked at another apartment complex, decided to lease there, and called my dad to bring up my stuff, which hadn't been unpacked from me leaving South Bend. I went home again on Sunday, hung out with the fam for memorial day, went to an honors convocation for my little brother at my old high school, then drove back to Fort Worth. I've put a lot of miles on my car recently. So my apartment has 2 stories, the appliances are pretty new, and its just generally pretty cool. The pool and stuff is nice too, and I have a pretty decent sized balcony. I'm going to try to find a table and umbrella and stuff to put out there.
So I'm taking a biostats class this summer. Its 2 days a week, 6-9 at night. Soooo boring. We had to go to a conference about health disparities last weekend, which was honestly a lot more interesting than I thought it'd be. At least I get a credit for it. Once I write a paper... maybe I should get on that. I also need to get a job. I have a contact, I just have to call. Hopefully that will work out.
I'd forgotten how hot Texas was in the summer, too. And how many bugs there are.
Three of my friends from high school came to town this weekend to go to our other friend's "recipe shower." They came a day early so we could celebrate Carley's birthday. We went to an Italian restaurant downtown, where we had bellinis (yummm) and I won the award for best entree. I ordered this pear and gorgonzola stuffed pasta. It had walnuts in it too and was covered in some sort of creamy sauce. The noodles were the same type as the "Pasta PC 6-Cheese Purse Sacchetini" from the dining hall. Haha. Anyways, it was delicious. We then went out in downtown Fort Worth, where apparently places close at 2? That wasn't cool, but we had fun. Sunday was "cooking day" since we had to make everything for the shower we were going to. I made beans & rice, cause Madeline requested it. I also made a southwestern pasta salad, which was "katie's dish."
So that basically brings us to today, which was when I got my internet hooked up, finally. I had to go to Panera to watch Lost last week, cause I missed it due to that conference, and I couldn't watch it online here. That was funny. Which reminds me, I probably have other shows I can watch online. Cool.
So if you actually read all that, it was kind of boring so I apologize. I'm pretty tired right now. I had to wake up at 8 because that was when the cable guy could have potentially gotten here. Of course he didn't get here until 11, but whatever. Anyways, I think I might take a nap or something now. So long.
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