Thursday, June 19, 2008

Update...since I have internet access for now...

First of all...this chick is awesome...I want to be her friend.

Katy Perry interview

I especially like the parts about "dumpage" and "your love."

Today I was back in Kentucky on business. Apparently I will be coming back on occasion in the next few months.

But this week so far has been eventful. Monday evening I went to dinner with Pat and Mary, who were in town to visit/intern, Rory, who I had just remembered was in Chicagoland this summer, Carol, who is going to grad school in Chicago in the fall, and one of her friends. We all went to Pizzeria Unos, which was very delicious/filling. Afterwards, me, Pat, Carol and Rory went to Fado (sp?) for a pint. I liked that place because it has a ship inside! Rory taught us a fun game to play with coasters, I talked to Dolu on the phone and I determined that we will become a Power Rangers-esque friend-making machine, and Rory and Pat talked way too much about programming.

The next day, as I was finishing up work, Spiderman called, saying he accidentally took the wrong train while going to the bank and ended up downtown. So we decided to go back to my area and have a drink and dinner. We went to Victory Liquor, where we had half-priced sandwiches and chatted with the bartenders. We even got a tour! We found out that many of the owners are ND grads...and they have LIVE TEAM TRIVIA!! The bartender was explaining it to me, and I was just like "yeah...I know, rapid rounds, liar liar, halftime, etc." The bar immediately next door apparently has it, too. I just need to find a team.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with Chicago, it is bustling with activities. Bars are full EVERY NIGHT. Who goes out on a Tuesday or Wednesday? Apparently lots of people. My area (for those of you from Louisville) is a bit like Bardstown Road (the cool part), except with more bars, slightly fewer independent coffee shops, and a major league baseball stadium at the end of it.

Yesterday after work I decided to go running and ended up running for over an hour. I ran down the trail by the lake for awhile, explored the neighborhood, ran past Wrigley, etc. I was listening to an awesome radio station, too. They played "Oh What a Night" and I missed all my friends and the Backer so much!! And the new netflicks radio ad reminds me of "OVER 9000." Hah!

Welp, that's kind of what's been up with me lately. I'm pretty glad I will be back in Chicago for next weekend, which is the gay pride parade through my neighborhood. I think that sounds pretty awesome and eventful, and I don't even have to walk far! We also have a work party coming up in July which sounds like a good time. I haven't had a chance to be social with coworkers. I fear that they think I am either painfully shy or really awkward. Maybe I am. But I'm also fun, I swear! It just takes a little bit for people to discover that. And that makes me mysterious...maybe. A girl can hope, right?


David said...

2) I didn't go to the US Open, I only watched it on tv.
3) I had a third point, BUT I FORGOT!

David said...

4) I REMEMBERED! Ask Bethany about her dream about me.

David said...

5) The word verificatoin was FUNNY this time! It was "SQGASM."