Friday, June 20, 2008

What's with this blogging craze lately?

So since everyone's blogging so much these days... I guess I'll mention a few things. (AKA Since Julie did, and I'm not asleep right now, I feel obligated)

1. I think I need new glasses. Everything just seems a little blurrier than normal. 

2. I bought a kitchen table. With my mom's money. Since all mine got STOLEN!!! (except for 9 dollars... thanks) It should be arriving on Saturday.

3. My friend/roommate isn't working tomorrow! So we're going to Dallas. Which is awesome since I have no money. But I still have credit cards.... mwa ha ha. 

4. I bought a plane ticket for the first ND home football game. So it looks like I'm going to that. And if I can't get a game ticket... there's always The Backer. Heh heh heh...

5. I forgot how many bugs there are here. It's not terrible, but just a little annoying.

6. I got a washer and dryer... so no treks across the parking lot in hot/cold weather. 

7. I have a potential roommate for the fall when madeline moves out. yaaay

8. I think that the video Julie posted a link to might reference us.... hahaha. jk.. but maybe....

9. I like numbered lists.

10. I watched 100 greatest songs of the 80s on VH1 last night. That was fun. And did nothing to alleviate my obsession with 80s guitar music brought about by too much guitar hero last weekend.

11. I'm actually staying in Ft. Worth this weekend. Hopefully I'll get things done, like unpack from going home last weekend... do some laundry... finish my applications... get some food I can actually make meals out of...

12. Oh! Get Smart comes out tomorrow. I want to see that. 

13. Ok. I should go to sleep so I'm not too tired for another day of doing pretty much nothing... hahaha...

14. I almost feel like I've... regressed? retrogressed? it's late... basically I feel like I should be acting more grown up right now... as in having a more rigid daily schedule... not wasting my time doing stupid things... like... writing down random thoughts online? hahaha naaahhh that's ok. 

And just to round it out with 15...

15. Hmm... it's taking me a while to think of something here. Sooo... Peace out. ;)


Susie said...

Dude, 100 greatest songs of the 80s? That sounds fantastic! Too bad I don't have cable here...sigh.

Anonymous said...

how many treks across a cold parking lot are you going to have in fort worth, texas? i'm totally better at blogging than you.