Tuesday, November 18, 2008

We're not too good at this...

So it's been a while since anyone's posted anything, and that last thing wasn't even anything interesting. Not that any of our entries are interesting.

A week ago or something I decided that I should start trying to write down what I dream, cause I've had some really weird dreams lately. And then of course, I forgot about it, and forgot the dreams also.

I do remember having a weird dream last night/this morning though. I was sitting in class, in a classroom that looked a lot like 101 Jordan (I love those chairs) and someone behind me kept making this really annoying noise. And I told her that I had a headache, and that I realized she was trying to annoy someone else (she didn't know me), but could she please stop. And she didn't. I'm wondering if it was maybe my alarm clock going off. Or like, my roommate leaving for class and the door alarm thing beeping. I think I had another dream last night too that left me with an annoyed feeling. Maybe that's just my default disposition, but I don't think so. I know people THINK I'm annoyed/mad when I'm not quite frequently though. Perhaps I should work on that.

Job search is... same as always. It feels like I get somewhere, and then nothing happens. Oh well, just gotta keep at it. I have a test Monday (I always have tests) that I haven't studied much for. Big surprise there. I only really have today, tomorrow, and maybe Thursday, but not much of it, to study for it since one of my childhood friends is getting married. We went to high school, middle school, and elementary school together and have stayed friends after that so that's kind of a big thing. And I'm in the wedding. Lots of old friends will be around, so that will be fun.

Well. Again, nothing really interesting, but I've gotta get to studying. Ugh.

I should bring my brother back for an encore entry. He writes some funny stuff.

1 comment:

Susie said...

I think the real news will be when you have a test that you did study for.

Also, this post made me miss you for some reason.