Tuesday, March 4, 2008

A couple of ones I missed...

I found a couple more quotes in post-it notes, so I guess I will put them here.

"I like editing media!" -Ponge, telling us about one of her many talents.

Julie: "Is it time to go to the backer?"
Katherine: "It's only 10:30"
Dave: "That's ok, Ryan will be there."
Ryan is always at the backer. In fact, when he isn't there, we are worried and text him to make sure he's alright.

Um, I think that's all for now. I have a phone interview in about 10 minutes and I'm nervous! Oh, how I wish I could go back to simpler times when I didn't have to think about how I am going to support myself in 2 months. Yikes.

Haha, also, when are writing/editing posts, at the bottom it gives you an opportunity to add labels to your post. In the example, the labels are "scooters, vacation, fall." My goal is to someday write a post that involves all of these things. I think that would be pretty impressive!


David said...

I think this is actually a blog about Nick Schott. He's so dreamy!

Julie said...

He wasn't even mentioned in this post! And I think Dolu and/or Spiderman may have equally as many quotes!

David said...

Touche salesman.

Katherine said...

Hahahaha. I deleted my comment 'cause I spelled something wrong. oooops. Anyways.

I just said that you should be careful what kind of "fall" you mean. Cause who knows, that could happen this week!

And hey.. no calling Nick Schott dreamy until he shaves.

Julie said...

Ok, kids, be nice. We don't want to offend Nicrea.

Anonymous said...

I think you mean we don't want to catch Nicrea. I hear that ointment is expensive.