Tuesday, March 4, 2008

EVEN MORE quotes volume 4

And because I want to finish documenting these golden nuggets of genius...

"If you want me to fold, too, Julie, I can. I used to do origami." -Katherine. Who knew the Ponge was an origami master in a past life? This was the night that Katherine helped me with my final project because I said I would go to Corby's with her if I finished in time. We did, went to Corby's, I got an A on my project, and Katherine takes full credit.

"Hey Bethany, you can have a multicultural orgasm!" -Julie, who thinks this quote must have had something to do with Dolu.

"Hey, hey, you, you, I don't like your mom...who is my girlfriend!" -Nick Schott to Dave as they sang along to Avril Lavigne's girlfriend. I think another backer power hour is in order...

You know, we haven't had a sexual quote by Dolu so far this post...

"Can we consummate a fake marriage?" -Dolu asked me this at a party. We had talked about getting married so that he could get a green card, so our "marriage" has been a running joke. However, this comment sounded pretty serious...

"Just give me five minutes and my liver, my liver is amazing." -Nick Schott, after downing straight whiskey and insisting on his sobriety...and then falling down.

"You get me drunk and take me to a store, and I WILL buy a Playstation." -Katherine, whose obsession with Guitar Hero may have gone a bit too far. Did you know she plays on expert!?!?!

"Erroneous...I love the band!" -John Cogill, after someone questioned his band loyalty.

"So far tonight Nick has old, hot, hungry, tired balls." -Bethany, after Nick said "I'm as ____ as balls" about 20 times that night.

"You need to give me your drink ticket because you're drunk and you're gonna kill yourself 'cause your shoe's untied." -Susie to Nick, on the same night that he was drunk as balls and praising his amazing liver.

1 comment:

Katherine said...

Hahaha. I think you forgot, "Hey guys, are you ready to leave now?"

-- Nick Schott, as the men in yellow let him out of the Backer

Also, I learned more about Gill Sans the font helping you with that project than I ever though possible.