Monday, March 3, 2008

More Quotes (vol. 3)

Because it's spring break, and what else do I have to do....MORE QUOTES

"America is just a huge breeding ground for me." -Dolu. He has the uncanny ability to make most of the things he says sound mildly (or not-so-mildly) sexual. I think he was talking about how America is his oyster, but I suppose breeding ground works, too.

"Get a four!" -Bethany, after a particularly touch-y feel-y football game. Yeah, that's what happens when your team start to get overly physical in the stands.

"It's like a third and a half!" -Julie, and I have honestly no idea what this was in reference to.

"Bethany, you need to nurse my in-grown toenail." -Nick Schott, gross.

Before and After: Will McLeod Bethel-Thompson -I think this perfectly describes our ND-UCLA game watch experience.

"It's like you're dating McNerdy and McPrudey" -Julie, to Bethany

"Gross things don't fit in your mouth?" -Katherine. This one is best left untouched.

"Every thong's moving so freckle fast!" -Text message sent by Diana. That's what T9 will do to ya.

"He's a really great partner, we should have a threesome!" -Diana, and no, she was not talking about a sexual threeway. I wish we had her 10 minute monologue involving purple Tellytubbies, people falling out of chairs, and reform school.

Let's end with another quote from our favorite Nigerian prince...

"You know, marriage is a lifetime of bondage."

Oh Dolu, how true, in so many ways...

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