Tuesday, March 4, 2008

SPIDERMAN; quotes volume cinco

I knew there were some good Spiderman quotes I was missing! Thanks to Bethany for forwarding these...

“Dude, I don’t give a fuck. That guy’s a fuck.”
-Nick Schott, I don't know who he was talking about. Maybe it was you!!

“Cooking with women is a very sexual experience. I am recording this because it is one of my beliefs.”
-Spiderman, being recorded by Nick's fancy cell phone.

“Some girls I know won’t let people they don’t feel comfortable with kiss them on the neck, because it is so arousing.”
-Nick Schott, who knows what the ladies like, apparently.

“My fish has been tainted with beer. No, tainted is the wrong word… blessed is more like it. It is like the fish of the gods. If the gods ate fish, it would be blessed with beer.”
-Spiderman. No comment.

“I wish Brad Reed was here.”
-Julie, as she was cuddling on the couch with Nick and Spiderman

“I have to stay clean shaven for Club Fever.”
-Spiderman, at lunch, on why he doesn't grow creepy facial hair like Nick Schott.

Bethany: “You played I Don’t Feel Like Dancing for me once.”
Gary: “That’s probably because it was on my ipod.”
I wish I had a Gary with me at all times. He is a one man dance party.

"It's funny. It's not really a club, but it's a mass in a chapel. I'm sorry I messed up your coloring book." -Pat? I found this one scribbled on a post-it note in my room.

"I wish they had meat pretzels." -Bethany, who wants to combine her favorite drinking foods. If only they could put meat pretzels on frozen pizzas with cottage cheese...

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