Sunday, March 2, 2008

Quotes 2.0


Here are some oldies but goodies...

"I did better than I ever thought I could!!" -Katherine, after playing a decent game of beer pong (for once).

"He did things with his body I could never even dream of!" -Julie, talking about a certain Colombian friend who dances like a male version of Shakira.

"It's like an emo mullet--it's emo on the side and business on the other side." -Bethany, on the dangers of "hip" haircuts

"You know the best way to repay Dolu is to repay St. Peter the Great." -Dolu's alter-ego is even more forward than he is. And just as bad at showing sarcasm.

and the classic...

"Facebook the shit out of me" -Kyle Alan Wickens, the Holy Cross freshman who crashed our party and puked on our floor, after showing off his "amazing" shotgunning skills. Needless to say, no one was very impressed. But we have kept his name up on our fridge, for old times sake.


Katherine said...

There was one person who was impressed. His name was Matt. But apparently he's not a very good judge of character.

Susie said...

Um, I'm afraid you spelled Colombian wrong. Clearly you suck. (Ok, that's not true, you sort of rock.)

Katherine said...

One time, Luis got really mad at me for spelling Colombia wrong.